Today I started to feel I am having a problem with my maven and Jetty configuration. It started slower and slower, without any clear reason. Simple web app consisting of just a 5 SOAP endpoints (CXF) started in about 1 minute.
So, I started to investigate it and found the reason - seems that the container was looking for Servlet 3.0 annotations in the whole classpath during the start. This was completely unnecessary in my case, since I am not using any of them.
To stop that - it is possible to inform the container in web.xml declaration, that our configuration is complete and there is no need to scan for it.
<web-app xmlns=""
After that, startup time went down to couple of seconds - voilà!
The nice thing is that the
indicates that the JAR files in /WEB-INF/lib
doesn't need to be scanned for annotations, but the webapp's own classes will still be scanned.
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