piątek, 7 czerwca 2013

Ecllipse 4.2 - slow as hell

I have just installed the brand new Eclipse 4.2 Juno. It is pretty (who cares!?) but - it is soooo slower than the previous 3.x version I had (Indigo).
Looked up what I can do - unfortunately this seems to be a result of a new UI feature - a user can now use CSS to modify the look&feel. It came with a price though.

I started up with modyfying the eclipse.ini the following way:


It significantly improved the start-up time and an overall responsiveness.
Still - it is terrible.

Then, I switched to Classic look&feel (Preferences->General->Appearance) and made sure animations are disabled. It has improved things - just a tad.

Anyway, GUI is still awfully slow (switching tabs, editing pom.xml) comparing to the previous version. 

Looked up in the net - seems there's nothing which can be done.
Just to make things clear - my machine is pretty fast:  i7, 8 cores, 8GB RAM, SSD.

The other surprise  - the Content Assists didn't work for Java code!
Seems it was just disabled by default - Preferences>Java>Editor>Content Assist>Advanced... WTF? 

Just downloaded Intellij Idea... 

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